Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Finally, the video you've all been waiting for!!!

1. Choose a picture.

  • choosing an image that already has a lot of contrast between the highlights and shadows, or increasing the contrast on your image of choice will make this step a LOT easier!

2. Trace shadows with a sharpie.

  • make sure to include "bridges" so that the inner pieces of your face are connected to the outside (when you get to cutting, these will make it so you don't loose your face!).

3. Trace and transfer onto card-stock.

  • using a pencil to trace the shadows you've outlined is important, as is making sure to place your trace paper pencil-side down onto your card-stock when you go to transfer.

4. Cut!!

  • BE CAREFUL!! Move slowly so you're sure to maintain all the fun details!

5. Spray paint.

  • taping your paper to the back of your stencil (or taping your stencil to a piece of paper) will ensure that the spraying won't move the stencil around.
  • be sure to take any necessary safety precautions: work in a well-ventilated space (outside), wear a dust mask and gloves!

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